Hello! Thanks for visiting my site. I’m Kasia, I mainly focus on websites, motion graphics, and murals. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Visual Design in May 2023, at Colorado Mesa University.

My graphic design adventure has already led me to have a lot of great experiences in my life. My passion for web design and murals slapped me in the face, and I’m glad to continue on this journey. I have left my mark with multiple murals throughout Grand Junction and I am hungry to do more. Most of my growth as a person and leader came from being the Editor-in-Chief for Horizon Magazine at CMU while being professionally published in 8 different magazines.

Contact me if you have any websites that need to be designed, murals to be created, or just want to create beautiful art together!

Get in touch

I am here for all of your Web Design, mural, motion graphics, and photography needs. 
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